Monday, October 01, 2007

SIDs&Kids and The West Australian

Caleb and Stephen were featured in the West Australian. Kayla was most upset as the photographer came while she was at Kindy.
Stephen was also at the odfficial launch for Red Nose day and Big Red the new novelty toy to help raise money for SIDS&Kids.

Let the Building Begin!

It was a mad rush when we received a phonecall on the Tuesday that the rockbreaker was arriving on the Wednesday. The shed had to be moved and the clotheline ripped up and we had a day to do it. So while Fran was at work, Stephen went and moved the shed with contents inside and ripped up the clothesline with concrete still attached. Thank God for DVDs , keeping the children quiet whilst Stephen ripped things apart. So we are up to the Pad stage now, the only delay being the bricks. End of October at this point in time. Caleb loves watching the bobcats and various construction machines racing around the back yard. Kayla gets a little spooked especially if the workers are a bit rough looking. The photos show the meteorite impression left by the rock breaker, the smooth sand pad and the wet setting cement pad ready for the bricks!