Monday, December 10, 2012

The Year that was.....

What a year we have had. The family is getting busier and busier. As it has been such a busy year, dot points have been called in to list the happenings.
Stephen and Fran at Nelson, New Zealand, July 2012
  • Stephen dropped down to 4 days of work and  had a change of year level after 2 years at the top (Year 6/7) and plummeted to the realms of Year 1/2. This was a welcome relief and he is happy to be with the little ones again as the hormones were just too much. His class last year was terrific so it was a good last class to have.
  • Fran also works 4 days now and continues to work hard in the Tax office working on the mining tax which is oh so popular with the mining industry. Fran was hit hard by the Flu this year, we have never her seen her so sick. She was so sick she had to cancel a work trip to Melbourne. 
  • Kayla has been Kayla. This year she started with a new dance school. She is with Kalamunda Performers and she is studying jazz, ballet and singing which she loves. She completes Year 4 this year and with only 2 remaining years at Sawyers, we are now starting to say, "Where did those years go?". Kayla also continued with her piano lessons.
    Kayla getting ready for her Dance Concert 2012
  • Caleb has had a very big year. He has completed Year 2 this year and is making great progress with his reading which has been a challenge for him. His most impressive work has been with his gymnastics. He started the year in high performance at Swan Districts. He worked and competed at Level 3 International Levels (We think, gymnastic levels confuse us) and managed to be good enough to badge and be allowed to compete at States in September  The family even got to go to New Zealand in July for 2 weeks so that Caleb could compete for his club. He didn't win anything but we all had a brilliant experience and can't wait for the next one!
  • Caleb warming up at the State Gymnastics Competition on P-Bars with coach Teagen.
  • So the first six months was really work, training for Caleb, taxi service for the kids, lessons for Kayla, more taxi service and saving up to go to New Zealand as this was not on our plan for the year until we were told in February. Well, actually we were told that Caleb will be going to Queensland however due to the Olympics, Gymnastics Australia didn't really get the dates ready and so the club decided it was New Zealand. So it was many sausage sizzles and Krispy Kremes sold to try and reduce the cost, not a lot was raised, but every cent counts, so we are not complaining. 
  • Caleb on High Bar at Top of the South Competition - Nelson, New Zealand.
    Number 6950!
  • Our journey to New Zealand started in Nelson where we had the 3 days of competition. We loved Nelson and were so glad we decided to go. Once the competition was over and all the team events over, we headed in the car down south to Greymouth, Franz Josef, Fox Glacier, Waneka and Queenstown.
  • The view from our room in Queenstown. The Remarkables.
  •  It was high on the list for us to see snow and on our last day we all went to The Remarkables for skiing lessons. When we arrived, it started snowing lightly, then it got heavier and heavier and colder and colder. It was perfect for the kids to see real snow and not just the lumps on the side of the road. It was a day they won't forget. New Zealand was amazing and we would love to go back again.
  • Al l rugged up and having something warm - Kayla and Stephen at The Remarkables.
  • Our house continues to provide us with all we need to be comfortable, we are slowly improving areas that needed redefining and we have added a new path. 
  • We were very sad to say goodbye this May to our beautiful cat Emma. The awful decision was made to have Emma put to sleep as her health was deteriorating and she was so sick, it was the kindest but most difficult choice. She had a wonderful 18 years of life, so sad to say goodbye. We spent a long time without a cat in the house and in October, Kayla and Stephen went looking for the newest member of our family. We found the beautiful Peppa at the RSPCA. As soon as Kayla and Stephen saw her, it was love at first sight. She is now 5 month old and runs the house as if she has been here all along. A very clever and well behaved cat.
  • Hello Peppa!
  • The caravan (VANessa) hasn't been out and about too much due to the New Zealand trip but she had a quick trip to Manjimup earlier in the year and we hope to take her out again over the Summer break.
The Family - Cardrona New Zealand (Non ski gear - first time at a ski resort)
I think that is enough about us for this year. We worked hard and tried and stay sane for as much of it as possible. Please have a wonderful break this Summer (or Winter) and we wonder what 2013 brings us all.  Merry Christmas and happy new year from the Powell Family!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!