Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We are not going to write a long message telling you of all our ups and downs for 2008, you can see the highlights in the many blog entries for 2008. We like the blog as it focuses on the positives rather than the negative.
Instead we thought we would perform for you all a Christmas Jig!

We are all happy to have our health and finances in tact (barely) and we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Love and hugs and butterfly kisses from The Powell Family - Stephen, Fran, Kayla and Caleb ~O~ xxxxo
PS: This is the latest Christmas Snap - will Santa bypass our house? Not when they look this good!

1 comment:

the penn family blog said...

Well what can i say, after look at the movie production of the powell family for the 10th time I now go to look at it and I can not access it because it is not available at this time, which means it has become famous and other "people" are now blocking the access and so I have to wait in line! Well anyway it is really good and has brought xmas cheer to the penn house hold.
The children look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, they do look lovely in santa arms.
see u guys soon.XXxx x